Mecklenburg County Jail Exterior Window Painting Project

Charlotte Painting Contractor, A&K Painting Co. recently completed the refinishing of exterior windows at the Mecklenburg County Jail  Central facility, located at 801 E. 4th St. in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Plaza near Charlotte Center City. We’re proud The Keith Corporation choose A&K Painting Company to complete the project. They depend on our award winning safety management expertise and our exceptional customer service to provide the best value for their customers. Swing stage type scaffolding was utilized to access the exterior windows on the 8 story, 700,000 sq ft facility, refinished for the first time since construction of the building in 1997.   We’ve completed several projects for The Keith Corporation at the MCJ-Central facility and are contracted to complete another project scheduled  at the North Jail facility on Spector Drive in Charlotte.

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CREW Charlotte Spotlights A&K’s Whitney White

Picture of  Whitney White - Property Management Sales, A&K Painting Company CREW Charlotte (Commercial Real Estate Women), in their May 2012 Crew Connect newsletter published today, included a member spotlight our own Whitney White.  Whitney joined the A&K Painting Company Team in August of 2011.  She is responsible for promoting the services that A&K Painting provides to the Commercial Real Estate sector, primarily focusing on office and retail repaints.

We’re proud of Whitney and the relationships she is building in CREW Charlotte, several other trade associations A&K Painting are members of and with clients and prospects across the metro area.  Whitney shared the best leadership advise given to her, “Get involved and volunteer as much as possible. It is key to networking.”

CREW Charlotte consists of a diverse group of professional women and men engaged in commercial real estate and related service industries. There are a wide range of disciplines represented within CREW Charlotte, including real estate brokers, attorneys, bankers and title industry professionals to engineers, developers, and architects. CREW Charlotte was organized in 1991, and its core purpose is to influence the success of the commercial real estate industry by advancing the achievements of women.

Parking Lot Striping – Safety, Maintenance and First Impressions

A&K Painting Parking Lot StripingParking lot striping and maintenance re-striping by A&K Painting provides property owners and managers with value and peace of mind.  We provide your property with safety for your customers, tenants and employees. Our no hassle solutions include meeting local code for handicap and fire clearance/distance, line layout, pedestrian zones and placement of proper signage.  Our preparation provides longevity and better value by first power-washing or use of power air to remove loose impediments and dirt, and parking control during maintenance re-striping. We achieve low to no-impact solutions to keep your property parking needs serving your customers and employees through off-hour project completion. Contact our team to achieve the best first impressions for your property.

Charlotte CRE Pros New Resource

A major goal achieved with building our new OTS (Operations Training Showroom) was to establish a first class training center and showroom for our customers and their clients.  Combined with our showroom where customers can bring their clients to see life size samples of colors, wallcoverings and finishes of all types, the training center provides a wonderful venue property management and commercial real estate pros can utilize.  Learning about new types of paints, coatings, wallcoverings, decorative finishes and other special application methods is just the start.  We provide training on LEED and other Green and Sustainable resources, color and design elements and maintenance or finishes.
Providing resources and training advantages for CRE Pros is part of the mission of A&K Painting Company’s OTS.  Add in the ability to see full-size samples of various finishes in our showroom provides great value not available anywhere else in the Charlotte area.  Our training center and showroom are available for you and your team now.  How can we be of assistance to you and your team?

Take a look at our OTS
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Our Mission and Work to Become a World Class Organization

The recent grand opening of the A&K Painting Company OTS (Operations Training Showroom) is a major step towards our strategic mission and active, ongoing work to become a world-class organization.  The operations portion provides support for our team of field crews and managers.  Top notch field and operations management, modern warehousing and organization of equipment help the A&K Team be safer, do their jobs more efficiently and make their jobs more enjoyable.

The training portion of OTS provides our employees with wonderful classroom space and positive environment where they benefit from advancing their roles within the company and improve their careers.  Our foreman and painters receive regular training.  Take a look at the upcoming training dates and topics to be covered.
  • Mar 16 – Tiltup Textures (foreman)
  • Mar 30 – Conventional Spray Eq. (foreman)
  • Apr 27 – Efficiencies in the Field (foreman)
  • May 12 – Painter Production and Duties (painters)
  • May 14 – Sand Blasting
  • May 24 – Foreman Round Table
  • June 22 – Flooring Applications & Epoxy Coatings (foreman)
  • July 20 – Block Fill Application (foreman)

We bring excellence to your properties and projects.  Contact us to start benefiting now.