Parking Lot Striping – Safety, Maintenance and First Impressions

A&K Painting Parking Lot StripingParking lot striping and maintenance re-striping by A&K Painting provides property owners and managers with value and peace of mind.  We provide your property with safety for your customers, tenants and employees. Our no hassle solutions include meeting local code for handicap and fire clearance/distance, line layout, pedestrian zones and placement of proper signage.  Our preparation provides longevity and better value by first power-washing or use of power air to remove loose impediments and dirt, and parking control during maintenance re-striping. We achieve low to no-impact solutions to keep your property parking needs serving your customers and employees through off-hour project completion. Contact our team to achieve the best first impressions for your property.

Charlotte CRE Pros New Resource

A major goal achieved with building our new OTS (Operations Training Showroom) was to establish a first class training center and showroom for our customers and their clients.  Combined with our showroom where customers can bring their clients to see life size samples of colors, wallcoverings and finishes of all types, the training center provides a wonderful venue property management and commercial real estate pros can utilize.  Learning about new types of paints, coatings, wallcoverings, decorative finishes and other special application methods is just the start.  We provide training on LEED and other Green and Sustainable resources, color and design elements and maintenance or finishes.
Providing resources and training advantages for CRE Pros is part of the mission of A&K Painting Company’s OTS.  Add in the ability to see full-size samples of various finishes in our showroom provides great value not available anywhere else in the Charlotte area.  Our training center and showroom are available for you and your team now.  How can we be of assistance to you and your team?

Take a look at our OTS
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Greater Charlotte Apartment Association Tradeshow – A Great Show

We sincerely enjoyed meeting managers and associates at the Greater Charlotte Apartment Association Tradeshow that took place last night.  GCAA did a great job producing a top notch show with a fun ‘Once Upon a Time’ theme.  The ability to meet with existing friends and customers and meet some great new contacts is very beneficial for what our business is all about, relationships.  Thanks to the GCAA leadership and staff for all of their efforts and hard work.  Well done!

Greater Charlotte Apartment Association Tradeshow Greater Charlotte Apartment Association Tradeshow Theme was Once Upon a Time


A&K Painting Receives NC Renovation Firm Certification

Today we received our Renovation Firm Certification from North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services.  This certification allows us to complete RRP (Renovation, Repair and Painting) Lead Safe projects throughout North Carolina.

The State took over management of the EPA’s RRP Rules that mandate worker training and company Lead Safe Certification for projects in pre-1978 housing and child occupied facilities like schools and child care facilities.