A&K Painting Company’s JobNet™


A&K Painting Co. JobNet™ = Better Service, Better Property Security & Safety for CRE Personnel

At A&K Painting Company, we constantly work to provide our customers with the best service available.  We accomplish our goal in part by keeping our technology current and our project managers, foreman and all employees properly trained and educated in technology, security and safety.  To that end, we’ve created JobNet™, a state of the art Quality Control, cloud based Project Management system.

Our customers have the advantage of receiving better project information that includes relevant updates on where and when we will be in properties for the duration of any project.

JobNet™ keeps all of our CRE professionals’ information current and provides in-depth details about every project.  Our PMs utilize JobNet™ to keep detailed records on each project, which allows for better planning, communication and execution.  Project and customer information include customer preferences, hourly reports of progress for each project, and a detailed schedule for the duration of the project.  The system also keeps a record of each employee that works on a project, including the duration of their time on the site, so that there is complete accountability for each person that comes in contact with a property; this allows for better property security and personnel safety.  The JobNet™ system also keeps details about each product ordered for every project, so there is never any confusion about what is needed.

A&K’s JobNet™ = Industry Leadership, Better Service, Better Property Security and Safety.

Americans with Disabilities Act and Restriping Parking Lots


Americans with Disabilities don’t need any more hurdles to overcome than they already face, especially in their everyday lives and this includes attempting to visit a place of business.  The Americans with Disabilities Act takes this into consideration and has set requirements for businesses that are restriping their parking lots.  According to the U.S. Department of Justice, from the ADA Business Brief, “when a business restripes a parking lot, it must provide accessible parking spaces as required by the ADA Standards for Accessible Design.  Accessible parking spaces for cars have at least a 60-inch-wide access aisle located adjacent to the designated parking space.  The access aisle is just wide enough to permit a person using a wheelchair to enter or exit the car.  These parking spaces are identified with a sign and located on level ground”.  The ADA also has requirements for van-accessible parking, which include “a wider access aisle (96”) to accommodate a wheelchair lift, vertical clearance to accommodate van height, and an additional sign that identifies the parking spaces as ‘van accessible’”.  The ADA also has requirements on how many accessible parking spaces to provide when parking lots are restriped, which is based on a percentage of the total number of parking spaces provided per lot.  Also, according to the ADA, “the accessible parking space must be located on the shortest accessible route of travel to an accessible facility entrance”. 

A&K Painting Company understands how important accessibility is for people with disabilities and provides  solutions to meet ADA requirements when striping parking lots.  Our expertise and attention to detail can provide property owners and managers with the peace of mind that their parking lots have been designed with safety as the top priority and that all ADA requirements have been met.  Providing great value to CRE professionals and property managers, keep the bottom line in mind. It all starts with the use of proper preparation techniques which provide longevity and a better value overall.

Learn more about A&K Painting Company’s Striping for Safety and Maintenance Solutions.  Contact us if you have any questions and when we can be of service to you.

Be Aware of the Signs of Heart Attack


Did you know that sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) can happen at any time without warning or that the sudden heart attacks we see in movies is not the most common type?  According to a Heart.org article, “most heart attacks start slowly, with mild pain or discomfort.  Often people affected aren’t sure what’s wrong and wait too long before getting help.  Here are some signs that can mean a heart attack is happening:  chest discomfort, that is in the center of the chest that feels like pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain; discomfort in other areas of the upper body, including one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach; shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort; and other signs, including breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness”.   

It is important that business owners, managers and all of their employees understand the symptoms of a heart attack and be prepared to administer CPR anywhere and anytime.  The best way to educate and prepare is to include CPR training for employees like A&K Painting Company does.  According to the American Heart Association, “effective bystander CPR, provided immediately after cardiac arrest, can double a victim’s chance of survival.  CPR helps maintain vital blood flow to the heart and brain and increases the amount of time that an electric shock from a defibrillator can be effective.  If more people knew CPR, more lives could be saved, because death from sudden cardiac arrest is not inevitable”.

With the business community becoming more active, prepared and aware of heart attack symptoms, together we can increase the odds of people surviving these unfortunate conditions.

A&K Painting Company Wins Two National Awards

A&K Wins Two National Awards

A&K Painting Company has won both the Industrial Interior Painting award category and the Commercial Wallcovering award category, in the 2013 Picture it Painted Professionally awards program of PDCA, the Painting and Decorating Contractors of America, a national painting contractors trade association.  The PIPP Awards, the national awards to honor the very best of the painting Industry, pays tribute to the work of professional painting and decorating contractors from across the United States.

Andy Robbins, CEO of A&K Painting Company, after receiving the awards today at PDCA’s national convention in St. Louis, stated.  “We’re honored to receive these two national awards. I’m very proud of our team. These awards attest to our team of skilled, highly trained people, our systems and the excellence we provide our clients.”

The Industrial Interior Painting award showcased A&K’s completion of over one million square feet of surfaces at the new Caterpillar Heavy Mining Equipment manufacturing plant in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.  The complex project required enhanced safety management, extensive pre-project planning and reliance on field operations management of several crews and night work. View the project portfolio.

The Commercial Wallcovering award featured the Stone Theaters Sun Valley project, a 14 Screen Multiplex in Indian Trail, NC.  A&K’s expertise with vinyl and fabric wallcovering was utilized with installation of over a dozen different wallcoverings.  The project also included multiple paint and wood finishes. View the project portfolio.

Press Release

Safety is #1 Priority for A&K Painting Co.

A&K Painting Co. Foreman OSHA 30 hour

OSHA’s voluntary outreach training program provides training for workers and employees for recognition, avoidance and prevention of safety and health hazards in the workplace. At A&K Painting we’re actively involved with safety training and hold our employees to a higher standard of safety.

A&K Painting’s foremen were recently recertified through the 30 hour program, while our newest foreman attained their first certification. According to Michael Hibberts, A&K Painting’s operations manager and safety director, “All of our foremen receive the 30-hour OSHA. They are certified in ladder safety, fall protection, hazcom, and areal platforms, which is why we are leaders in our industry on safety. Our foremen are responsible for safety in the field, and because we’ve received this training, we are able to recognize hazards before they can make an impact. The training has also prepared our foremen to be able to formulate a plan to complete our work while working around safety hazards. For example, on some up fit projects, some portions of the work may require fall protection which may include life lines, ladder tie off, or use of scaffolding to safely complete our job. Our foremen are also skilled at evaluating the landscape of an exterior to determine the correct means to access the substrate without endangering our employees or the property on which we must travel. We work hand-in-hand with our customers to ensure safe workplaces for all involved. We assist our general contractors by recognizing hazards on the job site which may be overlooked by the contractor and make them aware, so that they may eliminate any hazardous situations”.