CREW Charlotte Spotlights A&K’s Whitney White

Picture of  Whitney White - Property Management Sales, A&K Painting Company CREW Charlotte (Commercial Real Estate Women), in their May 2012 Crew Connect newsletter published today, included a member spotlight our own Whitney White.  Whitney joined the A&K Painting Company Team in August of 2011.  She is responsible for promoting the services that A&K Painting provides to the Commercial Real Estate sector, primarily focusing on office and retail repaints.

We’re proud of Whitney and the relationships she is building in CREW Charlotte, several other trade associations A&K Painting are members of and with clients and prospects across the metro area.  Whitney shared the best leadership advise given to her, “Get involved and volunteer as much as possible. It is key to networking.”

CREW Charlotte consists of a diverse group of professional women and men engaged in commercial real estate and related service industries. There are a wide range of disciplines represented within CREW Charlotte, including real estate brokers, attorneys, bankers and title industry professionals to engineers, developers, and architects. CREW Charlotte was organized in 1991, and its core purpose is to influence the success of the commercial real estate industry by advancing the achievements of women.