EPA Opens Comment Period On Commercial RRP


For all those involved in Commercial Real Estate, Facility Maintenance and Commercial Construction, the long awaited ‘other shoe’ has dropped.  The EPA’s intent to add private and public commercial buildings to the renovation, repair and painting program took another step forward last week.  See the EPA’s Proposed Rule Information.

Renovations of homes and child-occupied facilities built prior to 1978 must be performed by certified contractors using lead-safe work practices. EPA is currently in the process of determining whether renovation, repair, and painting activities on public and commercial buildings might also create lead-based paint hazards. For those activities that do create lead-based paint hazards, EPA intends to develop certification, training, and work practice requirements as directed by the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).

EPA has opened a comment period to allow for additional data and other information to be submitted by the public and interested stakeholders. This comment period runs through April 1, 2013. More information on this request for public comment, including instructions for providing your comments, can be found in the Federal Register notice.

In addition, EPA plans to hold a public meeting on renovations in and on public and commercial buildings on June 26, 2013. EPA will publish more details on this public meeting in the Federal Register in the spring of 2013.

A&K Painting Company will continue to monitor and report on the EPA’s actions for Commercial RRP.