It was the day before Thanksgiving…

What do you get when you take 75 pounds of steak with all the fixings and mix it with over 50 people?  You get an A&K Painting Company ‘Day Before Thanksgiving Employee Meal’.

We’re thankful for our employees and we like to show them rather than just tell them. We’re always looking for ways to celebrate in a team building way.  The day before Thanksgiving, everyone is paid for the full day; we work just a half day.  We bring everyone into the shop for a steak fry with all the fixings. CEO Andy Robbins even mans the grill.

Our employees enjoy getting together as one large group – some catching up with one another after being on different projects.  Thanksgiving is about families getting together.  We bring the A&K Painting family together just before sending them home to their own families.  What a great way to kick off the Thanksgiving holiday.

We have much to be thankful for – our families, the business our wonderful customers provide us and our team – the employees of A&K Painting.  Here’s to a blessed and happy Thanksgiving for you and yours.