150MFM = 150 Miles for Michael

150 Miles For Michael

We celebrate A&K’s Michael Hibberts and his ongoing fight with cancer.
We’re also cheering on our own Gray Riley, as he rides some 150 Miles for Michael in Charlotte’s 24 Hours of Booty, July 29th & 30th.

Starting tonight at 7:00 PM, the 24 Hours of Booty raises funds for Levine Cancer Center, where Michael receives his treatments, and other Cancer support related organizations. The 24-hour bike ride takes place on a 3-mile circuit known as the Booty Loop.  Our own Gray Riley will be riding with the about 1,200 other bike riders to raise funds through pledges.

Gray has been resolute in sharing that his endeavor is all about supporting Michael’s fight, and not about him. We salute and appreciate his kind of leadership. Here we share Gray’s words about his mission:

Why do I ride?  I ride to honor Michael Hibberts…friend, wingman, inspiration, fighter…as he battles this dreaded disease.  I ride so that hopefully one-day others won’t have to.

I’m joining my friend Josh Jones and his team in the 24 Hours of Booty this year on July 29th to raise funds for the fight against cancer. Truth be told, I’ve been scared to death of cancer since losing a friend in 6th grade to the nasty disease. Josh founded Team LIBSTRONG in honor of his brave daughter Libby who eventually lost her fight at the all too early age of 3. I’m pledging to ride 150 miles this year in honor of Michael who is in the midst of his own battle. Watching someone like him go through what he has both eats you up and pisses you off at the same time. Not much I can do to help him battle. But I’ve been blessed me with good lungs and strong legs that I plan on using to help fund the fight.

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In January 2015, Michael was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. Very simply put it is blood cancer of the plasma cells. Currently, there is not a cure or a way to put this cancer into permanent remission. Michael received six rounds of chemotherapy at Levine Cancer Center in Charlotte, NC in 2015. In May of 2015, he and his wife began frequent trips to UNC Chapel Hill where he was accepted into their stem cell transplant program. In July of 2015 Michael receive an autologous stem cell transplant.  After a three-week battle for survival, he was able to return home in early August.  On September 22, 2015, Michael returned to UNC Chapel Hill to learn that he had not had a response to the SCT and had not achieved the remission he had hoped for. In October 2015 Michael began a maintenance therapy of Revlimid.  Each month is a series of blood tests and prayers that he has not progressed.

My goal is to ride 150 miles in the 24 Hours of Booty to help raise funds for the fight against cancer.  As awful as 150 miles in the saddle in late July sounds, it is nothing compared to the battle that Michael fights.

BOMA Advocates Commercial Real Estate’s Business Case

BOMA LogoIn BOMA International’s 2015 Industry Issues Report, the Building Owners and Managers Association International highlights information about the makeup of BOMA membership and their impact on the commercial real estate industry.

Membership by Function:

  • 53% Property Manager
  • 11% Building Engineer
  • 11% Owner/Investor/REIT
  • 9% Facility Manager
  • 8% Asset Manager
  • 4% Architect
  • 3% Developer
  • 1% Leasing Broker

Membership by Building Size:

  • 90% manage more than 100,000 square feet of commercial space

Membership by portfolio size:

  • 86% manage multiple buildings
  • 34% manage more than 20 buildings

Industry Impact:

  • $71.7 billion in new personal earnings
  • $82.4 billion spent on building operating expenditures
  • $227.6 billion contribution to US GDP

What is Expected in 2015

The 2015 report suggests that the industry shouldn’t expect much change in the low productivity of Congress.  BOMA issues include:

  • Energy and Environment
  • Tax and Financial Issues
  • Other Legislative Issues
  • Codes and Standards

State and Local Issues within the federation of 91 BOMA U.S. associations are included in the 2015 Industry Report.

Founded in 1907, BOMA represents the owners and managers of all commercial property types, including 10.4 billion square feet of U.S. office space that supports 1.8 million jobs and contributes $227.6 billion to the U.S. GDP.  Its mission is to advance a vibrant commercial real estate industry through advocacy, influence and knowledge.