Just 14 days until the Operations Training Showroom Grand Opening

picture of OTS sign

We’re getting really excited!
The Grand Opening Celebration of our Operations Training Showroom (OTS) is Thursday, March 29th – just 15 days away.  We built the OTS to better serve our customers and their clients.  This picture of the OTS sign is just a first sneak peek – more peeks to come next week.

A New Operations Center for A&K Painting

The papers are signed.
We’ve just leased a 10,000+ square foot building that will become A&K’s new operations center. Less than one half mile from our existing office, the new Ops Center will provide our field employees with many benefits: meeting and training space which is critical to our ongoing employee training and team building work, more space for easier access and loading of equipment and private lockers and dressing rooms with showers.   Our employees have done very well getting in and out of our existing shop in an efficient manner though cramped and crowded with our growth. Say goodbye cramped and crowded and hello to a better organized and efficient shop. Next week we meet to finalize the design and get the remodel work of the existing building underway work and address the place up and we know the best company to do it – A&K Painting. We will keep you apprised of progress and of course the grand opening.

What’s going to happen to our old shop area?
A second remodel project, this one at our existing office will soon get underway. With our business growth and needed additions to our management staff, we need the room – actually several rooms, offices and meeting space. We’re excited. Our expanded offices will allow us the needed space to operate more efficiently and continue to achieve our number one goal – serving our customers better than anyone else.