Team Building Tournament

A&K Employee Team Building Cornhole TournamentWhat’s Cornhole all about?  At A&K Painting the best answer is Cornhole is all about Team Building.  Cornhole is a lawn game in which players take turns throwing cornhole bags (cotton duck bags filled with feed corn) at a raised platform with a hole in the far end. These platforms are usually made with plywood or plastic and are often decorated. A corn bag in the hole scores 3 points, while one landing on the platform scores 1 point. Play continues until a player reaches the score of 21.

We decided a cornhole tournament would provide a great team building experience at A&K.  All field crews and office staff worked the morning then met for lunch and then tournament play was on.

Cornhole can be played by just about anyone. Add in a bit of chance make participation by everyone an equalizer.   Our Glidden Professional Paints salesman, David Wilson provided the lunch in fact he brought the grill and grilled the burgers and hot dogs.